
This blog is my shared process in working towards integrating self-awareness with all other aspects of life, while on my way to becoming more authentic and whole.

Archive for the month “August, 2015”

Purity Is…Just Being You.

pure heart…which can be the hardest thing to do in a society that sells self-denial, the unconsciously selling out of parts of who you are to be OK.  No.  Love yourself.  Be yourself.  In that place is where you will feel god’s love and presence.  It’s there, perhaps you just need to uncover it from all the additives from shaming religion or whatnot.  A pure heart is where there is nothing added or taken away in order to feel accepted and OK.  You don’t need to earn love, just freely receive it from within, from god.

This is what I believe a pure heart consists of: all of you. nothing more. nothing less.  period.

Keep your heart from becoming anything other than what it is, a resting place for you and god to connect, unconditionally.  Conditions muddy up a pure heart and make it hard to connect to a god of love who is inside of you.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see god.”
Matthew 5:8

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